#1 – Devanco Foods’ MSG-Free Chicken Gyros Kits

Q&A: Peter Bartzis, President & CEO, Devanco Foods, and Liz Vanderhoef, Marketing Manager, Devanco Foods

R&FF: Congratulations on placing first in our 2021 Best New Frozen Retail Products Contest. What does this recognition mean to Devanco, especially after winning our contest last year with your regular MSG-Free Gyros Kits?

Bartzis: The recognition is something that we don’t take lightly. It’s a very prestigious award. We put it in our marketing materials and we put it on our website too. Getting this award is something that we’re proud of because it recognizes us as a manufacturer, and we’re proud of all our products, not just the two gyros kits that won back-to-back years.

Vanderhoef: I think it says a lot too that the voting is consumer based. We have a lot of people that love our products and follow the Devanco brand, especially here in the Chicagoland area. So, when we rolled out our chicken gyros, they were super excited because they could pick up our traditional gyros kits, and right next to it, they could also pick up our new chicken gyros for variety. Everybody was really excited about the addition of a chicken gyros kit, and so they were excited to help us win this award too.

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Chicago-based Devanco Foods was Refrigerated & Frozen Foods' 2020 Frozen Foods Processor of the Year. Their retail products are sold in every U.S. state. Photos courtesy of Devanco Foods.

R&FF: What innovative features do your MSG-Free Chicken Gyros Kits have that helped it finish first out of 20 finalists?

Bartzis: I think it’s the variety. Like Liz said, you can get the regular gyros kit, which is a beef and lamb product, and then you also can get a chicken version, which is perceived as being a healthier item. People love gyros. We sell it in every state, and we export it throughout the world, and it’s a sandwich that is still under the radar, but it is becoming mainstream right now, especially with a chain like Arby’s putting it on their menu.

Vanderhoef: Gyros have a lot of versatility too. For example, we’re always testing new recipes here, and we made a buffalo chicken gyro. It had buffalo sauce and blue cheese in the tzatziki, which was phenomenal. And our kits are nice because the pita bread, tzatziki, and meat all come in one box and it’s fun for kids to assemble. All you have to do is add your own little flair to the basic ingredients and you can make it different from sandwich to sandwich. People can even put them in the oven with some condiments on top and make chicken gyro pizzas if they want. We’re seeing a lot of people loving that versatility.

Meet Devanco Foods—Winner of our 2021 Best New Frozen Retail Products Contest

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Devanco's MSG-Free Gyros Kit (right) won Refrigerated & Frozen Foods' Best New Retail Products Contest in 2020, while the company's MSG-Free Chicken Gyros Kit (left) won the frozen portion of this year's contest. Voting in R&FF's refrigerated foods contest will start in August.

R&FF: What is unique about the packaging for your MSG-Free Chicken Gyros Kits?

Bartzis: During the pandemic, everybody rushed to the grocery stores. Convenience was a big thing. We had a six-pack of gyros that was for a family, but our chicken gyros come in packs of three, which is perfect for millennials shopping out there that may not have six people in their household.

R&FF: How many stores are your MSG-Free Chicken Gyros Kits in today?

: At least 500 stores are carrying this item right now.

R&FF: Where are Devanco’s products distributed, and does Devanco have a direct-to-consumer or e-commerce strategy?

Overall, our products are in every state, and we’re in more than 2500 stores. Our foodservice and retail items are basically the same, so customers are getting foodservice-quality items at the grocery store. Just by switching the production line, we’re able to pivot from foodservice to retail packaging, and we also do a lot of private label foods for larger chains.

Vanderhoef: During the pandemic, many retail partners thanked us for fulfilling all our orders, since others couldn’t due to production delays related to coronavirus. Devanco implemented a lot of procedures at the beginning of the pandemic even before they were mandated, to make sure our team felt safe and healthy coming to work. So, we didn’t have the issue of losing staff to COVID-19, and we didn’t have people getting sick or fear coming to work. As a result, we were able to fulfill all our orders. Our retail partners would call us and say, “This vendor wasn’t able to get us our order or deliver a complete order. Can you add X amount of cases?” And we were able to fulfill that.

Currently, we’re working on an e-commerce strategy. We’re hoping within the next three months or so to have that option live. We’re working hard to determine which products will do best through e-commerce, and how to send those products to people’s homes in the most cost effective and sustainable way.

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Left to right: Evan Bartzis, GM; Liz Vanderhoef, marketing manager; and Peter Bartzis, president & CEO. You can hear Liz and Peter discuss Devanco's recent contest win on our Cold Corner podcast.

R&FF: What sustainable programs does Devanco have today, and what areas of sustainability are most important to your company?

Our gyros kits are all made in sustainable packaging, and our goal is to have all our packaging be sustainable by 2025. We’re pushing our vendors to get into that and make it at a price point that it is feasible so that we don’t have to overprice when we go out to the field. We’re also looking at alternative energies at our facility here in the Chicago area, putting solar panels on our roof, and initiatives like that.

Vanderhoef: We’re on track to be well ahead of our 2025 goal for sustainable packaging, and we’re also focusing on cleaner labels, with nitrate-free beef bacon, and moving our Italian beef to an all-natural formula.

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Vanderhoef cites the versatility and convenience of Devanco's MSG-Free Chicken Gyros Kit, combined with the current popularity of chicken overall, as driving factors in the product's first-place finish.

R&FF: What’s on the horizon for Devanco for the rest of 2021 and into 2022?

Bartzis: We have a plant-based line of products coming out, and we have a line of farm-to-table hummus called Zacca in several flavors. Our retail sales grew 150% during the pandemic, and while this year may not be 150% year-over-year again, it’s still growing between 40% and 50%. Also, foodservice is a large part of our operation, and that’s coming back this year.

Vanderhoef: We’re also rolling out a new website which is going to be huge for us, and will help tremendously with our e-commerce option when we launch it.

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Michael Costa
Michael Costa is Editor-In-Chief of Refrigerated & Frozen Foods.